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A brief analysis of the inverse power operation of the generator

The reverse power protection function of the generator is to prevent the power supply from the power system to the generator after the original motor loses power. When the power direction changes, the generator becomes an electric motor, from the output power to the absorbed power. In this way, the rotation speed of the prime motor is very fast. After the power transformation here, a reverse torque will be generated on the prime motor, which will damage the prime motor and consume power unnecessarily.

In principle, diesel generators can operate at reverse power. In practice, however, a generator becomes an electric motor when it runs at reverse power. Not only does it generate electricity to send it out, but it also USES electricity from the grid. Long - term reverse - power operation may cause winding burn down. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to run the generator captain time in reverse power.

At present, on the large generating units generally installed two sets of independent reverse power protection device, or program trip reverse power and pure electric power protection, reversed flow of qi to limit the size of the generator reverse power. Generally, the maximum is not more than 10% of the rated active power.